Our online classes are offered throughout the year. We occasionally also offer retreats and in-person workshops. See a class you’d like to take but registration isn’t open? Subscribe to our announcement mailing list to get notifications of new classes.
In this Master Class authors Marianne Kirby and Meg Elison will help you move beyond these kinds of tropes and create characters with big bodies that constitute good representation.
Creators who want to include characters or cultures different to their own in their work are often encouraged to employ the services of sensitivity readers or cultural consultants. But, how do you find a sensitivity reader? When in the process should you look for one? How many should you hire? How much does it cost? What’s the best way to work with them? Why do you need one at all?
October 9, 2021 @ 11AM – 6PM Pacific » » » Gearing up for NaNoWriMo 2021? Before you put words to page, get to know your main character/s better in this Preptober workshop with authors Nisi Shawl, Piper J. Drake, and K. Tempest Bradford.
October 10, 2021 @ 10AM – 5PM Pacific » » » Join author Piper J. Drake for an exploration into the relationships between principal characters and how those relationship arcs can be developed into dynamic and evolving connections to engage readers and drive plot forward.
October 16, 2021 @ 11AM – 6PM Pacific » » » In this workshop, authors Nisi Shawl and K. Tempest Bradford will guide you through short writing exercises that will help you dive into aspects of your world that writers often overlook, but that impact your story and characters in major ways.
An essential part of creating a character is understanding how that individual speaks or communicates. In this craft-focused class we’ll help you sharpen your dialogue skills through lectures, hands-on exercises, and feedback.
We’ve all heard about the Hero’s Journey, but how often do we hear about the Heroine’s Journey, Western culture’s other prominent story structure?
In this webinar, New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger provides a full break down of what aspects of heroine’s journey make for compelling narrative and voracious readers, where these elements originate, why they’re successful, and how to write them.
When writers get to the point of describing people from marginalized groups they’re sometimes filled with anxiety over the words and phrases they should use.
In this craft-focused class, authors Nisi Shawl and K. Tempest Bradford dive deep into these language and description pitfalls and how to avoid them.
In this webinar, author Stant Litore will walk you through how to chart your character arc in a way that allows you to use that arc as a potent tool for revision. You will leave the webinar with a more defined and vigorous vision for your character’s conflict and actions and with fresh and specific ideas for structuring your story to maximize the emotional and dramatic impact for your character and the reader.