Tempest talks about #OwnVoices and how it fits in with Writing the Other alongside author and editor Sheree Renée Thomas on the Glitchy Pancakes Podcast.
“Own Voices” fiction means stories written BY members of the marginalized groups and cultures they depict, instead of written by people from outside those groups. People deserve to tell their OWN stories instead of having others take up that space and write about them, so today we get into what needs to happen and why. We’re joined by two amazing author/editors: Sheree Renée Thomas (World Fantasy Award-winning editor, author, Marvel writer, and new Editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction) and K. Tempest Bradford (author, editor, writing teacher at Writing the Other, podcaster, and Vice Chair of the board of the Carl Brandon Society) for a deep dive into Own Voices fiction and why it’s so important.
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